your crypto

Swap crypto instantly across blockchains with Vaultex app

Exchange major and trending tokens
Swap all the latest trending tokens in one place.
With the best rates
Our swap feature provides a wide range of tokens
at the most favorable rates, with no hidden fees.

How it works?

Follow these 4 simple steps

  • 1

    Select the exchange option

  • 2

    Choose the pair you
    want to exchange

  • 3

    Type in your amount

  • 4

    Review your swap details
    and tap “Exchange“


Swap across multiple blockchains

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What cryptocurrencies can I exchange in the Vaultex app?

Are there any hidden fees?

How can I start an exchange in the app?

Where can I download the Vaultex app?

What cryptocurrencies can I exchange in the Vaultex app?

You can exchange all major and trending tokens within the app

Are there any hidden fees?

How can I start an exchange in the app?

Where can I download the Vaultex app?

Your wallet for Web3

Buy, sell, exchange and spend crypto. Also earn reward, manage NFT's and explore DApps in your Vaultex wallet.

Vaultex Wallet
Google Play
Coming soon
App Store